
I found a really interesting Twitter thread that discussed the implications of how the faux for diversity is actually hurting creators who have works with diversity in them, but are focused more on the story!

Creator of @AstursRebellion Sara Momobami/Sara Eissa talked about how the push for diversity in these major industry is actually a faux hurting creators who may have works that may have diversity but is not the main focus of that project! It’s something I’ve discussed in the past, but I never pictured it from her angle. It kinda makes sense when put into perspective. A lot of these shows that focus their marketing entirely on “diversity”, are usually led by white women, or white people in general. As a result of them not prioritising on the story, their stuff end up just being bad! Sara Momobami talks about her experience in a twitter thread!

This then as a result creates a negative image on other works of fiction that may have a diverse cast, but is not the central focus of that work. You know, people jumping the gun and calling a show “SJW” when in fact it could be a dope ass series! The ramification of forced diversity could have grand consequences on people who want to tell a genuine story from their homelands! Of course, I cant say whether Sara Momobami’s story is good, however I did read her pitch and it is interesting to say the least. A lot of new ideas that I’m sure people would have liked. And the art-style is definitely in my ballpark!

We need to talk more about this as it generally has damaging effects for future creators wanting to enter the space to tell their story! I mean I can relate to this as I too am creating my own story, and the fact that people might see the cover page and go “eh SJW garbage, pass!!!” without at least checking out the story is demoralising! Story and character development is always and will always be superior and just having a diverse cast!

SIDE NOTE: My debut light novel Red Rapture: Born Blessed To Walk A Cursed Reality! preorder page has gone up! If you’re into things like Fullmetal Alchemist, HunterXHunter, or Naruto then this light novel is right up your alley! You can pre-order it now on Amazon Kindle, and if you do please leave a review when it comes out!!!!

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