
So a fan hit me up on email recently, asking for my thoughts on what’s been going on with the Vic Mignogna Lawsuit. It was a case that I was once following but I’ll be completely honest here, I lost interest near the end of it as I waited for new info. However, I was reminded that I made a promise to you guys to give you all a summary on how the case is going. It kinda concluded months ago but I figured there’s no harm in discussing it and giving my thoughts on the overall case.

If I recall correctly, a Texas district court judge made a series of rulings in Vic Mignogna’s defamation lawsuit. Here are the ruling summarized;

  1. to dismiss all claims against voice actor Jamie Marchi (who voices Marcarita in Dragon Ball Super;
  2. to dismiss the claims against Funimation for tortious interference and civil conspiracy and
  3. to dismiss the claims of tortious interference of existing contracts and tortious interference of business relations against voice actor Monica Rial and her fiancé, Ron Toye.


In normal human talk, they threw away every claim Vic made for his defense. It also didn’t help that Vic Mignogna was qualified as a “limited purpose public figure” meaning that his defense for deformation on his name was also ruled out as that was difficult to prove in the court. And to add fuel to the fire in this whole case, Vic Mignogna didn’t even show up to his own defense. That for me was very odd, and suspect in my opinion. You’d think you’d show up for your own defense case at least.

It’s been so long since I’ve even talked about the case but now that I had a chance to research it again for this blog, it was an interesting learning experience for sure. Right now, there seems to be an ongoing appeal case arguing against initial judgement. It could go well for Vic, but I can’t see it just yet.

If you ask me, in my opinion I think Vic will likely lose the case and be deemed guilty by the court. In my past observation, I couldn’t help but feel like lawyer that Vic had hired was partial why this case did not go in his favour, but that’s just my opinion.

I probably won’t be following this case any longer as I see no possible changes happening, unless I hear something major. However, I wanted to keep my promise I made to you guys. Sorry it took so long!

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