
I’m not a huge fan on every single  2D indie game that has come out over the past few  years and only a few of them have ever caught my interest to actually want to play it and LEAP from the looks of things is might possible be one of them.

LEAP is a 2D online multiplayer battle arena platformer thats developed by ICS Studios and it seems to be focused on creating a unique experience for gamers. Not much else has been revealed besides an art work on twitter that shows the characters you will be able to play in the public beta.


The art style they have chosen looks awesome so far and it seems that different character will have different abilities and weapons, although at the moment all the character in this beta seem to have the same weapons but in different colors, that could change in the future so I am not too worried about that.

LEAP is coming soon to PC and an announcement with more information about the game will be available on their website on May 9th.

Will you the leap to check out this indie game?

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