
So after a long wait, we finally got to see The God of High School – Episode 01 animated, and well, they changed a lot of things to make that episode work! I say this because I read the webtoon but was surprised by how they’ve managed to expand it!

The episode started out with Mori waking up and almost missing the preliminaries, to everyone literally throwing hands by the end of it! That caught me off guard as I was expecting them to go through each of the three main character’s motivations for joining the fight in the first place. I guess they’ll be going a flashback instead! Other than that, I thought it was an OK start to the series. I’m not the biggest fan of the animation style, but I guess that’s something that will grow on me as time goes on. It’s at least better than trying to imagine the fight as you read the comics.

Anyways, the tone has been set so I look forward to seeing all the crazy fights finally animated into the big screen! Be sure to come back to see the finale review for THE GOD OF HIGH SCHOOL season!

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