
Episode 29 was by far THE most hype episode in Attack on Titan thus far and it just continues to leave me wanting more and lets not forget THAT CLIFFHANGER THO….

As Gelgar and the rest of the squad rest within the walls of the castle, they begin to discuss they findings. Ymir ask Conor about his village and as he explains his finding he mentions that the titan that had crashed on top of his house reminded him of his mother. When you add that to the fact that the titan “Welcomed him home” there’s only one conclusion one can come to, the titan WAS indeed his mother. I’m calling it now.

Ymir teases Conor on that idea, interrupting him, as if she was trying to change the subject. That was kinda weird in my opinion and oh boy does it get even weirder from there. When Ymir was looking through the crates, Reiner comes in, asking her what she’s doing. She tells him that she’s looking for food. This is when we got our first flag on Ymir. Apparently she’s able to read a type of language that made Reiner very suspicious of her after handing him a can of food, but before anything could develop from that the titans had broken through the castle’s doors.


After defeating two small titans, only Reiner sustained any damage. I was quite surprised to see Reiner be able to even lift that titan. It was also funny how Reiner was determined to marry Kristina after she help him out. Now the next part of this episode 29 is what put Attack on Titan on the map. After what seemed like a coordinated attack, two of the scouts were killed by the Beast Titan lounging a boulder at the castle. All that remained in the line of defense were Gelgar and Nanaba. They too met their fate and it was a gruesome one.

Now lets talk about the real hype of the episode, one that I did not see coming. Ymir is a Titan herself, well a human that can transform into a Titan. We knew there would be more after the whole Annie incident but this caught me by surprise. I was expecting her to use herself as a distraction in order to get the titans to chase her on foot but the moment she cut herself, I knew what was coming. I hate episodes like this that leave you on a cliffhanger. Dammit!

Overall, I really enjoyed watching this episode and now I’m even more interested and excited to learn more about what the hell is going on in their world. I also want to learn more about Kristina and her connection with Ymir and “Historia”.

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